France – A man files 9 complaints for antisemitic and homophobic threats

Jean-Marc and his complaints
Jean-Marc and his complaints

Bizanet (Aude, Occitanie) – Jean-Marc, 38, a French citizen, living in the village of Bizanet (Aude, Occitanie), has filed nine complaints for a year and a half following multiple insults and threats of an antisemitic and homophobic nature, the local newspaper La Dépêche reported. The man says he is desperate, not knowing where to turn to stop his ordeal.

He now has a large file listing all the facts suffered since the summer of 2021. He thus has at his disposal the copy of the complaints lodged with the gendarmerie, the insulting anonymous letters, in which he is insulted as “Dirty Jew, dirty fag, get out of here”, photos of his car covered with antisemitic and homophobic tags, a medical certificate after a lynching in the village… However, despite all these elements, those responsible for this harassment have never been arrested.

“I have the impression that no one cares. I am subjected to odious treatment by a few and no one moves!“, he explained to the newspaper La Dépêche.

The facts began on July 14, 2021, when, “with the authorization of the town hall”, the man organized a party at the bottom of his house, with around thirty people. After a first SMS asking him to stop the noise, he received a second, more vehement one. The guests then left, he explained.

A few days later, during a garage sale, he was attacked by a man identified as the author of the SMS. “He insulted me, called me a homosexual, a dirty Jew…” He thus filed a first complaint with the gendarmerie.

This man, met by La Dépêche, denied the accusations. The individual is himself at the heart of a neighborhood dispute with other residents, which has led to the filing of complaints with the gendarmerie following the violence and attacks suffered. He thus explains that the episode of the garage sale was a fit of anger, “without physical violence”, in connection with the protagonists of his own file. According to him, the real attackers of Jean-Marc would take advantage of the dispute between the two men to send their hateful messages.

Last June, after he hung the LGBT flag on his balcony, Jean-Marc explains that he immediately received anonymous letters of insults and death and beheading threats. Assaulted in September, he received three days of ITT. Despite these facts, he received little support from the inhabitants of the village, who largely voted for the National Rally in the last presidential election. He is also accused of “victimizing” himself and of maintaining this hateful climate.

Contacted to speak on this file, the mayor of the village refused to answer.

Recently, Jean-Marc saw his trial period in a fast-food restaurant come to an end, the manager having wanted to prevent his employee’s problems from tarnishing the image of his business.

Faced with these setbacks, Jean-Marc still received the support of the League for Human Rights and the Licra.

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