Russia – Antisemitic post in the “Wagner Force” Telegram channel

Moscow – The “Wagner Force” Telegram channel GRAY ZONE published a message commemorating the 103rd anniversary of the execution of Admiral Alexander Kolchak, the commander-in-chief of the anti-Bolshevik resistance forces in Eastern Russia during the civil war that followed the Bolshevik Revolution.

The message is worded in distinctly antisemitic language, highlighting the Jewish origin of the leader of the revolution, Lenin (his grandfather was a converted Jewish) and begins with a harsh antisemitic poem that has been associated with Kolchak by the Russian nationalist right for several decades.

The song is a reproach to the Jews who “out of the Talmudic dust took over Christian temples” and threatens to take revenge on the Russian people with “those who do not belong and are not wanted”.

It should be noted that the song does not belong to the admiral and is, apparently, a late work, which was written during the early post-Soviet period.

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